In this blog post, I will be doing a walkthrough of the OffSec Proving Grounds CyberSploit 1 vulnerable host. I will provide a walkthrough of reconnaissance through post-exploitation. This will include performing recon, enumeration, exploitation, and post-exploitation. As this will be CTF style the main goal will be to capture the flags.
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You can also watch the video on my YouTube Channel Cyb3r_0verwatch.
<What's Covered>

This will be different from my other videos, as I will be providing a walkthrough of reconnaissance through post-exploitation. This will include performing recon, enumeration, exploitation, and post-exploitation. As this will be CTF style the main goal will be to capture the flags.

CyberSploit 1 is a vulnerable host created by Cybersploit to allow users to practice ethical hacking techniques. It provides experience on searching for exploit via ExploitDB and the use of Encoders/Decoders. This virtual machine is downloadable from VulnHub (owned by OffSec) and also accessible from the OffSec Proving Grounds virtual training lab. If you run the vulnhub version then Cybersploit has three flags for users to locate.

<Active Recon: Enumerating What's Running>
The target host as noted earlier is Cybersploit 1. I have already started the host and its registered online. I can begin doing information gathering by doing port scans and service enumeration scans.

In this scenario I’m just doing this demonstration CTF style, so I am not trying to stay under the radar. In the case where I was trying to keep a low profile, I would probably run it at -T2 or -T1 if I was real paranoid. I’ll run the following command shown in the cli “nmap -sS - A -T4 -vv <IP> -oA /kali/Downloads/Nmap/cybersploit1”. In most cases, it is best to run the scan on all 65,535 ports by using -p- switch to detect any non-standard ports that may have services listening on them.
<Active Recon: Analyzing the Results>

When I look at the nmap scan results it only detected two open ports 22 (ssh) and 80 (http).

Based on the output I can assume a few things:
1) The host is a linux box due to the service info showing OS and CPE as Linux
2) The service banners are showing ubuntu.
3) The host is using ssh for remote login. As these are only assumptions based on the current info, verification is always recommended.
<Active Recon: HTTP_The Weakest Link>

I chose to focus on http first because I rarely find ssh exploitable. If I browse to port 80 I can see a webpage “Welcome to Cybersploit CTF”. I usually look at the page source to verify if there is any data leakage from devs. The information I've seen devs sometimes document in the page sources range from corporate ID's to hardcoded passwords.

In this case it looks like a dev noted a username “itsskv”. After reviewing the page source, I could not find any more useful information.

I ran Ffuf (Fuzz Faster U Fool) to crawl the entire site looking for hidden directories. I ran the following command shown in the cli (ffuf -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt -u The -w is for the wordlist, -u is for the URL, and the -fc tells ffuf to exclude 403 responses. This will hopefully only give me the 200 ok responses.

Ffuf found a total of five pages. The hacker page looked interesting, but it was just a gif image. The index pages points to the main page. There are also two pages titled robots.txt and robots. The robots.txt file is used to tell search engines what pages it can access. There will sometimes be pages documented by web admins that they don't want a search engine to access, so robots.txt can provide some good information.

I reviewed both the robots page and the robot.txt page. Both appear to have the same base64 hash. Base64 can normally be identified because it has an equal character at the end.

There are several resources you can use to decipher what hash method was used. One site is called Hashes.com.

In this case, the hash was base64. I ran the following command shown in the CLI “echo -n <hash> | base64 -d”. Which basically means that echo will display the text on the screen, -n requests that a new line is not appended, the pipe feeds base64 command with the output and -d is used to decode the output.
<Exploitation: Getting a Foothold>

After its decoded I get a output ”cybersploit{youtube.com/c/cybersploit}”.

Since I already have a username, I could try running a dictionary attack on SSH using Hydra. But I decided to first see if I can use the output from the base64 hash as a password. In this case, "cybersploit{youtube.com/c/cybersploit}"

Sure enough, using the decoded output from the base64 hash allowed me authenticate to the target host.

Now that I am in the users home directory I performed a little recon and I can see in the home directory flag two.

When I performed a cat on flag2.txt it appeared to be a rabbit hole and did not contain the flag.

A second file local.txt actually contains the flag, OffSec likes to use local.txt and proof.txt on their vulnerable lab machines to contain the flags. When I performed a cat on the file it contained the MD5 hash flag.

With OffSec Proving Grounds, once you get a flag you can submit the flag through the console to get credit for capturing the flags. I submitted the first flag successfully.
<Post-Exploitation: Privilege Escalation >
When doing these vulnerable host labs, the last flag will likely involve getting root and accessing the root directory. The fun part is figuring out what we needs to done to get root.

In most cases, I would run Linpeas, as it enumerates the host looking for possible privilege escalation paths.

Peass-ng is downloadable from the kali repo, so you dont have to download it from Github anymore. Peass-ng is an awesome tool that provides a lot of information.

Since I already have peass on kali, I started my http.server in order to upload Linpeas to the target host. Http.server is a good way to upload your payloads because a lot of Linux systems have wget or curl installed and for Windows systems you can use tools like Certutil, as an example to download to the target host from your pentest system.

I changed directory to the /tmp folder then I ran the wget command shown in the cli to download the Linpeas to the /tmp folder from kali. Linpeas is now on the target host.

Before I can even use linpeas, I needed to verify that I could execute the script.

After doing "ls -la" I could see that the linpeas did not have the "x" bit. Since linpeas didn't have the "x" bit, I had to run the chmod command to make it executable.

Since I had verfied that linpeas didn't have the execute permissions, I ran "chmod 777 linpeas.sh" to make it executable.

With the permissions for linpeas modified, I executed linpeas to start enumerating for possible privilege escalation paths.

Looking at the basic information section of linpeas, I can see it shows linux version in orange (the legend says yellow, but it looks orange to me) with red text. If we look at the linpeas legend it advises that orange with red text is 95% of the time a privesc vector.

linpeas found a possible privesc with linux version 3.13.0-32-generic.

Looking at the linux exploit suggestor section I can see a variety of suggested exploits, but cve-2015-1328 overlayfs looks to be a good candidate because if closely matches the linux version of the target host.

Now that I have a possible exploit to use, I will use searchsploit to see if the exploit is already accessible in kali’s local repository. When I run the searchsploit command shown in the CLI you can see the results.

In this case I used the second exploit list that is highlighted in the image. In order to access the exploit code I need to use the path located on the right side that says "linux/local/37292.c".

By typing "locate" and the path shown in the cli, I was able to determine where the exploit code is being stored.

I copied the exploit code to the Downloads folder and renamed it "overlayfs.c" as shown in the cli.

Now that the exploit code is in the downloads folder, I run wget from the target host and download the exploit code to the /tmp folder.

The exploit code is in the /tmp folder of the target host and now I need to compile the exploit.

I got the code compiled and now it is time to run the exploit. I use the command is shown in the CLI.

After running the code it looks like the exploit worked and I get a hash prompt which usually indicates a root shell.

In order to verify that I had a root shell I ran the "whoami" command and it showed I was root.

Now that verified I had a root shell, I changed directory to /root to see if the flag was located in the folder.

Sure enough the proof.txt is there. I cat the proof.txt file to get the root flag.

I submitted the root flag in the OffSec PG console to complete the host.
There you have it folks, I was able to gain root privileges by executing several processes including active reconnaissance like port scanning, service enumeration, and manual browsing. Performing those steps allowed me to gain the knowledge necessary to gain a foothold on the target host. Upon gaining access, performing further enumeration allowed me to find a workable escalation path to root in order to gain the final flag.
Thank you for checking out this blog post on the OffSec Proving Grounds Cybersploit1 vulnerable machine. If you find this content informative and you are interested in cybersecurity, please regularly check back on the Cyb3r-S3c website. For more free content, please like and subscribe to the Cyb3r-0verwatch channel. Until next time keep learning, the only way to improve is to keep learning.
/Signing Off,