Networking Learning Platforms
The Networking learning platforms will provide technology product specific knowledge. A lot of big vendors will offer free training courses. Below are resources that offer free courses and/or reasonable priced courses that assisted in gaining knowledge, improving skills, or studying for certifications. Be sure to browse the catalog available from these platforms. There is a lot of free content, but some of these platforms/websites do offer both free and paid content. Cyb3r-S3c is not an affiliate of any of these sites and does not receive any payment.
Cisco Network Academy
Cisco Network Academy provides both paid and free courses in which users learn how to design, install and troubleshoot complex computer networks focused on Cisco products. They will navigate a variety of projects as they complete CISCO's online curriculum in preparation for their certification exams. (https://www.netacad.com/courses/all-courses)
Brocade Education
Brocade Education provides free 24x7 self-paced online training for Brocade SAN products and technologies. The education provided helps users build the critical networking skills needed to install, configure, administer, troubleshoot and maintain SAN environments utilizing Brocade products. (https://www.broadcom.com/support/education/brocade)
Juniper Training
Juniper Learning Portal provides free 24x7 self-paced online training for Juniper products and technologies. The education provided helps users build the critical networking skills needed to install, configure, administer, troubleshoot and maintain network environments utilizing Juniper products. (https://learningportal.juniper.net/juniper/user_activity_info.aspx?id=11478)