About Me
My name is Pragmat1c_0n3, I am a cybersecurity professional with 22 years of experience. I have a variety of skillsets that I have gained throughout my career. I have worked in the field, provided support to customers from retail to corporate, and tested enterprise security on numerous engagements. I have worked for a few Department of Defense military branches, mom and pop IT outfits to working for a large information software companies. My roles have ranged from IT support, system administration, network engineer to a penetration tester. Throughout my journey I have learned to persevere, motivate myself, and use my skills to find the resources I've needed to advance my career and better my life. The only way to improve is to keep learning.

Throughout my life I have had assistance from family, friends, and colleagues, and cybersecurity professionals. Creating Cyb3r-S3c and the Cyb3r-0verWatch channel is my way of giving back to those that helped me and the IT/Cybersecurity community.
My vision is to continue to build the content for this site and to provide free learning resources to assist aspiring IT/Cybersecurity professionals and those already in the field. Hopefully Cyb3r-S3c and the Cyb3r-0verWatch channel can eventually help those that need a direction.
Infosec | Cybersecurity | Learning